Check “Cookies” Status

“Cookies” must be enabled for each browser you will use to access the Streaming Service. Please note that even though the browser name is the same, such as Apple Safari, the settings will be unique to the device on which you are using that browser, such as Apple Mac, Apple iPhone, or Apple iPad.

A “Cookie” is a small amount of information that is stored in your browser to enable the Streaming Service to keep track of your Log In status, to give you access to the content on recordings pages, to keep track of your most recent listening position in a recording, and to manage some functions of the Notes, Bookmarks, and Recently Viewed features. No “personal” information is stored in the cookies.

To check that “Cookies” are enabled on the browser you plan to use for each device you plan to use for the Streaming Service, click/tap on this web link.
At the top of the page is the question, “Are Cookies Enabled?” If “Yes” then everything should work. If “No” then you will see pictures of the various browser brands along with the type of device being used. Click/tap on the browser/device combination you are using and you will see instructions on how to enable Cookies for the browser you are using on that device.

Of course, please Contact Us if you still have questions or need assistance in using the Streaming Service.

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